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Email 8/23/21 - Musical Theatre Calendar and Upcoming Auditions


Hello, parents and students!

Welcome back to school... I hope it's been a good start to the year for all of you!


We have updated our Lone Peak Drama website, and I encourage all of you to check it out and bookmark it. The website is On the website, you will find a section for Musical Theatre. The password to access this section of the website is lesmis (all lowercase). There is a Google calendar linked here. We are going to do our best to keep this updated with rehearsal times. Please subscribe to the calendar or check it frequently! If you use Google calendar, it should be fairly easy to subscribe. I primarily use iCloud calendar and am still able to sync Google calendars to it. If you need help doing this, let me know. You sometimes have to re-sync the two when you add a new calendar.


Auditions for specific roles in Les Miserables are August 26 at 6 p.m. in the auditorium. Mr. Smith has given students all the information they need for these auditions. If they have questions, students should email him or talk to him in class.

SHAKESPEARE TEAM AUDITIONS (optional, but encouraged)

If you are interested in auditioning for the Shakespeare team this year, auditions will be Wednesday, August 25 from 3-5:30 p.m. There is a sign-up sheet outside Mr. Smith's room to sign up for a time. Come prepared with a 30-60 second monologue (it doesn't have to be from Shakespeare). Shakespeare team rehearsals will be Tuesdays and Thursdays after school and Saturdays. Evening of Shakespeare, where the team will perform for parents and the public, is scheduled for Wednesday, September 29 at 7:00 p.m. The Shakespeare team will travel to Southern Utah University to compete September 30 - October 2. The cost for this tour will not be more than $300.

P.S. Please add to your approved address list in whatever email program you use. Otherwise, they sometimes find their way to the junk folders because of how many addresses are on the BCC. I will try to also put important information on the website, so you can always check as well.

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