Hello parents and students! It was so nice to meet many of you at the banquet, and I’m looking forward to meeting more of you! We wanted to send out a few items regarding the Productions class next year. Let me know if you have any questions!
Parent/Student Meeting Agenda
For those of you who couldn’t make it to the banquet, I am attaching a copy of the agenda from the parent/student meeting portion of the night. Please let me know if you have questions, and if I don’t know the answer, I will try to find out the answer!
We need a new signed copy of the Code of Conduct for each student because we couldn’t read many of the names on the ones that were already turned in. I’ve attached a copy of that to this email as well (we’ve added a line for your printed name). If you are coming to the Drama Camp training on June 3, bring it with you then.
Summer Youth Drama Camp
One of our favorite fundraisers to earn money to help pay for the Productions tour in the spring is to host a drama camp for kids in the summer. It is not required to help with the camp, but if you are available that week, it is always a lot of fun and a great opportunity to earn money for tour! Please open the attached document about the drama camp to read all the dates/details (it is the 3rd page of the meeting packet).
What you need to do now:
1) Indicate your availability - We need each student to go to the link below and indicate which days they are available to help run the camp. Please do this by this Friday, May 28 since your availability determines what you are assigned to do at the camp.
2) Print the attached flier and deliver it to kids in your family/neighborhood who are in the target age range (1st-8th grade). Be sure your name is written in the “referred by” box because you will earn $5 for each child who signs up because of your efforts.
New Website
Our old “drama blog” was extremely outdated. We have a new website for you to bookmark! It is lpdrama.wixsite.com/home/ There are separate sections for Musical Theatre and Productions that require passwords. The password for the Musical Theatre tab is lesmis and the password for Productions is anastasia (both all lowercase). In these two tabs, we will put information that is specific to students in each class (information that doesn’t necessarily pertain to the general public). You will find a Google calendar for each class under the appropriate tab. You can subscribe to that calendar, and we will do our very best to keep it updated (please allow us some grace and patience as well 😊).
Please let me know if you have any questions!